The Alumni Association is on a drive for membership! We are hoping to have the first official meeting of the Association in May of this year at which we will pass the Association bylaws and elect the leadership. This of course requires that we have members who will take up those roles and inaugurate the formal founding of the Association. What follows is our official call to those interested in becoming a member of the Association:
The purpose of the Alumni Association of the Institute of Buddhist Studies is to uphold the mission, vision and values of the Institute of Buddhist Studies as outlined in the Strategic Plan, to aid the President, Board of Trustees, Faculty and Staff in the advancement of the Institute of Buddhist Studies, to foster a spirit of sangha among its members for their continued well-being and welfare, and to nurture the work of compassionate service and engagement in the community. Currently, we are looking for members to join the Association. General Membership is open to IBS Alumni and those who have attended courses at the IBS; Associate Membership is open to all. If you are interested in becoming a member, please fill out our short Google Form survey.
We look forward to receiving your completed survey! If you have trouble with the Google form link, please contact us at and we will assist you!
In Gassho,
AAIBS Steering Committee
Thomas Calobrisi, GTU-IBS ‘16
Blayne Higa, IBS ‘19
Jamie Kimmel, GTU-IBS ‘17
Candice Shibata, GTU-IBS ‘15